10 Google Advanced Search Tips, Search Like a Boss


Every single day more than 3.5 Billion searches execute by Google. For our every little job we search it on Google it.

Every little information can be found on Google. And day by it is becoming more useful for our daily life. Without Google like the human race will stop.

Google is trying to provide you the best and useful data which you are looking for. Google search engine spider crawl millions of website and billions of data within a fraction of second and provide you the best result.

But still, sometimes we found very difficult to find right things. Because till now Google search appear based on more than 200+ SEO factors. People try to misguide Google to rank on top. So, the people reach on the wrong website.

There is an advance but simple way to get exactly your result what you are looking for.

Which is Google Operators?

Here I’m discussing 10 advance way to Google search.

Ok, Let’s started.

Operator 1: site:example.com

Type on Google site:example.com then Google will bring all the data inside this particular website.

Operator 1
Operator 1

(You can also check that particular website in Google index or not.)

Operator 2: site:example.com winter fashion

Using this operator you can get ‘winter fashion’ related product inside this particular website.

operator 2
operator 2

Operator 3: site:example.com “ladies shoes”

This is the very strong operator. Using this keyword you will get exact matching keyword “Ladies Shoes” on the website.

operator 3
operator 3

Operator 4: site:example.com intitle:”Your Text”

Using this operator you are telling Google to find those result which has “iPhone X” in their title. Under the site example.com

operator 4
operator 4

Operator 5: site:example.com inurl:”Your Text”

Using this operator you are telling Google to find those result which has “iPhone X” in their URL. Under the site example.com

operator 5
operator 5

Operator 6: site:example.com ~ mobile

Using this [~] operator you are telling Google to find related topic on the website example.com

Operator 6
Operator 6

Operator 7:  site:example.com/folder

To reach any particular website subfolder use this keyword and get exact and best result

Operator 7
Operator 7

Operator 8: site:example.com/ top*books

Using this operator you are telling Google to find Best Books or Top 10 or 20 or 40 books from the site example.com.

Operator 8
Operator 8

Operator 9: “Your Text” –inurl:example.com

Very Powerful keyword operator. You can sort out any particular website from your search result.

If you search “Fashion” –inurl:amazon.com then Google will show you result without any link from Amazon.

Operator 9
Operator 9


Operator 10: site: .edu “Thermodynamics”

It is a beautiful operator. Using this you can find the result of “Thermodynamics” from only education-related sites or ‘.edu’ sites.

Operator 10
Operator 10


You can use these multiple operators together and make your search result more perfect. Like this one. Search advance and get exactly your search quarries. Using these types of the operator can help you to work smartly. So, don’t work hard work smartly.

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